Keep Your Workforce Healthy: Prepare for On-Site Vaccinations Now

Flu season starts September 1. But there’s good news: you still have plenty of time to offer a Flu Shot Program to help keep your workforce as healthy as possible this flu season.

For more than 15 years, LifeHealth, LLC has helped keep workplaces healthier—and employees happier and more productive—by offering customized, turnkey Flu Shot Programs.

“We know that every organization is unique and a one-size-fits-all approach to a Flu Shot Program is less effective,” says Elisa Hamill, co-founder of LifeHealth. “We’ve designed programs for small and large employers in different industries across the country. We apply this knowledge to every Flu Shot Program we develop, making them as efficient and effective as possible.”

LifeHealth’s capabilities has allowed them to deliver flu shots not only at worksites like manufacturing plants and office sites, but at conventions and for teachers at their schools.

Other benefits of working with LifeHealth include:

  • Superior customer service: An organization that gives the same high level of service to all employers, no matter the size of the organization (note that some larger providers do not offer flu shots for smaller employers).
  • Nurses only: Only nurses administer flu shots, not medical assistants.
  • 24/7 registration: Online registration, customized for your company, is provided at no additional cost. This allows your employees to pick a time that is most convenient for them.
  • Options and flexibility: Flu shots can be combined with other health screenings. Contact Erin Shipton, Director, Work-Site Health Services for more information at 303-730-1902 ext. 113

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the best time for employees—or anyone—to get vaccinated is by the end of October. However, flu shots can still be effective throughout the flu season, even into January or later.

Contact Us Today

For more information or to set up a Flu Shot Program for your workforce, contact Erin Shipton Director, Work-Site Health Services, today at or call 303-730-1902 ext. 113.

Erin has managed more than 600 events in 42 states, which includes more than 15,000 successful health screenings and immunizations. She is here and ready to customize a program for you.

Benefits of Flu Vaccinations

Benefits to Employers

  • Reduces costs by decreasing time missed from work to get vaccinated
  • Reduces costs by reducing absences due to illness, resulting in improved productivity
  • Usually covered under employee health plans
  • Improves morale

Benefits to Employees

  • Reduces absences due to sickness and doctor visits
  • Improves health
  • Is convenient
  • Improves morale

Free Resources from the CDC